Annual General Meeting

Belvedere Community League : 2013 AGM
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
7 PM @ the Belvedere Community League Hall
Do you have concerns, issues, ideas, or comments relating to Belvedere Community? We need to hear them.
Join us for Q & A sessions with:
- Coun. Ed Gibbons
- MLA Deron Bilous
- Station Pointe rep
- Edmonton City Police
Attend the AGM to hear about the new park plans, hear about recent hall upgrades, meet fellow residents, and discuss common issues & concerns within our community.
Refreshments & door prizes provided.
Nominations & Elections
Vacant positions include:
- Community Patrol Director
- Vice President
- Cultural Liaison
- Grants & Fundraising
- Facilities Rental Coordinator (paid)
- Maintenance Director
- Soccer Rep
Numerous director assistant positions also available.