64 Street Park Project

Project Overview: A new park on 64 Street
The Right At Home Housing Society and NiGiNan Housing Ventures are working with the City of Edmonton and the Belvedere Community League to create a new public park at 12923 64 St.
The goal of this project is to beautify the lot and create a place where local residents feel welcome to spend time and where they can connect with their neighbours.
The lot is currently vacant, owned by the City, and zoned for park use.

Community Involvement and Ideas for the Park
Community input will help guide how this lot could be improved. A report on what was heard through a survey in April 2022 and from neighbouring residents is now available (download report). It includes ideas for key features in the new park and how they could be organised on the site, along with other suggestions and comments that people shared.
Here is a snapshot of the survey results.

And here is one possible way that the park could be organized to include the features that local residents said were most important.

Note that there is still work to do to understand what will be possible to build, and this will include looking at other potential designs. These activities will happen in the next stage of the project.
Check back here for information about what’s happening and future opportunities to be involved.
Project Steps and Timeline
How the lot will be improved and when will depend on a number of factors. These include community interests and needs, and available resources and funding.
The City’s Neighbourhood Park Development Program will guide the project from start to end.
Here is a tentative timeline for the new park to be designed and built.
- Spring 2022: Community engagement to understand what local residents would like to see and experience at a new park on 64 St.
- Summer and Fall 2022: Sharing the results of the survey and working with the City to understand what resources and funding will be available to improve the park.
- 2023: Working with the City as it develops a plan for the park, including community engagement to review the proposed design.
- 2024 and 2025: Keeping the neighbourhood up to date as the park is built and celebrating when it is complete!
For More Information
If you have any questions about the project please contact Lisa Larson, Project Support with Right At Home Housing Society, at lisa@heartstage.ca. You may also contact Shannon Murray, Neighbourhood Resource Coordinator with the City of Edmonton, at shannon.murray@edmonton.ca.
Thank you for your time and interest in helping create a new park in Belvedere!