Homemade Pie Contest

Calling all Pie Bakers!
Do you like to bake pies? Do you think you have what it takes to have the best homemade fruit pie in Belvedere? Then enter the “Best Homemade Pie in Belvedere” as part of the “Party for the Park” event.
Rules and Guidelines
- Contest is open to any resident of the community.
- All pies entered must be made from scratch and include any variety of FRUIT in the filling. One or two crusted pies are acceptable.
- Each entrant must submit the recipe for the pie printed on one side of an 8.5 x 11 sheet. The entrant’s name, address, and telephone number must be printed on the back.
- No refrigeration will be available at the Fall Festival; pies MUST NOT require refrigeration after baking.
- An award will be presented for first place and runner up.
- All pies and recipes must be delivered to the Belvedere Fall Festival judging area located on the hall grounds between 12 – 2 pm on September 15, 2012. Judging will take place between 2-3 pm.
- Results will be announced live on the stage at 3pm.
- Criteria will be: flavor (30 points), filling (25 points), crust (20 points), overall appearance (15 points), creativity (10 points), for an overall maximum score of 100 points. The judges’ decision will be final.