Community Patrol

Who Cares? The results of our last survey in Belvedere indicated that Crime Prevention is the greatest concern of area residents. This past winter we worked with Edmonton Police Services and their “Community Action Team”, hosted 2 information sessions, and will continue to work with the EPS on future initiatives. We also recognize the importance of the community’s role in Crime Prevention.
In 1996, Belvedere’s Neighborhood Patrol officially launched. Over the years, we had dozens of residents involved in this important program. Unfortunately, in the past couple of years this changed to the point that we are no longer operating the program on a regular basis. Community Patrol is a vital program and is proven an excellent Crime Deterrent in neighborhoods.
The Community desperately needs someone(s) to step forward and help revitalize this program. We also require many residents to become Patrollers for this program. The time commitment is minimal, requiring patrollers to spend time walking around the neighborhood for an hour or two periodically (weekly or bi-weekly). Obviously it is good exercise, and a great cause! If you or anyone you know is interested in resurrecting this essential program, please contact us at 780-476-1224 or e-mail us at